Pop-up greeting cards are a great twist on the ordinary greeting card. They are enormously fun to create, and the recipient of your cardwill be delighted! Most people don't expect to see something pop out at them when they open a homemade card, so surprise that person you care about with a little skill and a lot of fun! So get your supplies ready and begin to have some fun!
- stiff, firm colored/plain paper; card-sized (choose the preferred size yourself but make sure it is big enough to hold the pop-up design)
- colored/plain tag
- glue
- pencil
- pen
- scissors
- markers, crayons or colored pencils
- envelope
- ruler
- a design to glue on your pop up
3.Make two cuts. Make these about 1 inch (3 cm) long. The cut should be made in from the folded edge of the card in order to make a flap.
4.Fold the flap over on to the front. Then fold it on to the back of the card. Open the card and push the flap up toward you. Pinch the middle to crease it.
5.Decide what you want to pop up. It could be a picture of a gift, or a name, or a heart, or anything that takes your fancy. Cut out your pop-up shape and glue it on to the flap.
6.Get ready to give your card. It is now complete. Write your message, put it inside the envelope and give to your intended recipient.Tips
- Use trimming scissors to trim borders and designs around your card.
- Use glitter glue to make your cards sparkly.
- Gel pens can make your words stand out.
- For best results, make sure the actual card is twice the height of the envelope and the pop up shape one half the height of it.
- Stickers, small shells, and beads are a great way to accent your card.
- Get All Your Stuff Ready BEFORE You Start Making The Product.
- Try covering up the hole in your paper with another colorful sheet of construction paper.
- The possibilities are endless!
- If using glue, allow to dry thoroughly.
- PVA glue is better than glue sticks
1 comment:
hey that was cool.. i gave that card to my friend and she's very happy... thanks....
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